Enhance your hand-eye coordination with these 10 challenging drills and games. Test your reaction time and hand speed while improving your timing for better performance in sports and other activities.
Try these 10 hand-eye coordination games and challenges to test your hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and hand speed. Especially in sports, hand-eye coordination relies on timing, so when the drills get progressively more difficult, pay close attention to the timing of each drill. Good luck!
Make sure to watch the full video to see the different variations of each one, and how you can integrate the different drills into one sequence. When you start trying to incorporate a few types of drills together, aim to make the transition from one drill to the next as seamless and fluid as possible (improving quality over quantity!).
Don’t just jump to the hardest variation off the bat. Start slow, and only increase complexity (speed/number of balls) once you get the hang of an easier progression.
Make sure to integrate the upper and lower body together, no matter how slow or simple you’re taking it.
If you’re workong on power, you can emphasize how dynamically you punch through the ball, or toss it in the air. If you’re going for speed, keeo it light.
These kinds of drills will definitely help you improve performance in a sport or activity - but if nothing else, they are fun!
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