Healthier athletes

6 Things About Health I Wish I Knew Growing Up

December 20, 20233 min read

We need a reality check of who we are and where we came from. We’ve engineered the world for our convenience, and now have the most comfort we’ve ever had in the history of our species; yet, we certainly are not the strongest or the happiest we’ve ever been.

1. No Health, No Life.

If you prioritize anything over your own health, or do something at the expense of your health, you haven’t learned how to live. If anything is obvious now, as we watch family and friends age, it’s that you literally do not have much if you don’t have your health. You can have the best pension plan in the world, have the most beautiful home, have a wonderful family — but if you don’t have your health, you won’t be able to enjoy any of it.

2. Health Is Supposed To Be The Default.

Health is not a struggle; it is not a battle. Health is the default state for the human body, except for rare instances. You have to put a lot of effort in to become unhealthy.

3. It Is Never Too Late To Get Change How Your Body Feels.

Even if you’ve gone wrong for decades, the only moment that matters is now. Moment by moment, every single choice you make matters. If you’re alive, you can do something to enjoy a better quality of life.

People running

4. Doing “Whatever I Want” Is Not Freedom.

Just because you can, doesn’t necessarily mean you should. People like to say “I’m free — I can do/eat/drink what I want”, especially as we ‘earn the right’ to make our own choices as we get older. Eating/drinking/doing what you want actually isn’t freedom. Freedom is doing whatever is needed, joyfully. If your happiness and comfort depends on having and doing certain things, and you are otherwise miserable, then you are the opposite of free.

5. Health Is Not The Absence Of Illness.

Being free of indicators of illness and disease does not mean you are healthy — it just tells doctors you are not sick. A doctor has no measure of health. Health is a certain buoyancy, vibrancy, and energy. You can be free of disease on paper and cleared as “healthy” by the medical teams, but achieving health is a different thing all together.

6. I Am A Piece Of Nature.

If I had to sum up “how to be healthy” in once sentence, it would be to live as much in harmony with nature as possible for you. Humans are not smarter or better than nature — we are a product of nature. All of the environmental problems in the world are caused by us. As a species, we are not living harmoniously with our creator.

You can only be in harmony with nature if you are as healthy as the soil you stand on, the air you breathe, the water you drink. Working against nature is working against yourself.


Do something about your own health. It starts with you — only you can change you. Your next decision, make it for health. You have to start somewhere.

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