

December 20, 20234 min read

Business Values

Providing Something To Enhance Human Wellbeing


A business means providing something, like a product or a service, to enhance human wellbeing. As a business, we charge a fee for some things we offer. The fee does not exploit anyone. The necessity for charging a fee is three-fold:

  1. To sustain the business and those giving their time and resources to create and offer our products and services;

  2. To help cover the costs of production and delivery of the products and services;

  3. To foster an appropriate sense of commitment, appreciation, and value towards what is being offered.

These are the basic factors that go into determining the fees that we charge for what we offer through Athletic Engineering. We also make every effort to provide free information and resources whenever it is appropriate.


Marketing means communicating what is being offered so that people know it is available. Marketing may also involve educating people about the importance of a product or service being offered and why it is needed.

Truthfully, we do not enjoy marketing and wish we didn’t need to do it. Marketing has taken a bad name because so much of what is marketed isn’t needed, beneficial, or even true. The marketplace is saturated with brands that solely exist to generate profits despite their negative impact on human (and environmental) health and wellbeing.

This said, it is essential for businesses who offer something that enhances human wellbeing to do whatever they can to market their products. It is very important to market what you have, if what you have to offer is of value to the world in some way.

This is our position on marketing.

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